

Historic Guangzhou Neighborhoods

9 Historic Guangzhou Neighborhoods

From culinary to cultural, this city has it all, so to help visitors get started we’ve prepared a guide to our favorite historic Guangzhou neighborhoods.
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cormorant fishing

Cormorant Fishing: The Mysterious Past of a Dying Tradition

Take a look inside Yangshuo's enduring tradition that has since become the iconic sight of this karst region.
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best podcasts on china

The Best Podcasts on China

Understanding a country as vast and diverse as China can be a tricky business, especially since the amount of available information on the country is seemingly just as infinite.  This is why we love to travel, as it allows us to share our...
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Building simple by zhuger
April 8, 2021

The Establishment of Modern Chinese Architecture with Professor Luo Deyin 罗德胤 [in Mandarin] (Event #11)

When did Chinese architecture move away from the traditional courtyard homes, overhanging eaves, and extravagant timberwork that had been prolific for centuries? Join us for a short lecture by Luo Deyin, Professor at Tsinghua University,...
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yangshao culture
April 8, 2021

The Fundamentals of Archaelogy with Dr. Ye Wa 叶娃 [in Mandarin] (Event #6)

China holds the largest amount of discovered prehistorical artifacts in the world. But how did the study of archeology in China evolve? Dr. Ye Wa, Professor of Archaeology at UCLA, chatted with us about the...
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mogao caves yuezhi people
March 31, 2021

In Search of the Yuezhi People with Archaeologist Wang Jianxin 王建新 [in Mandarin] (Event #10)

The Yuezhi people of Gansu were once nomadic pastoralists who lived in the western grasslands of modern-day Gansu. Join us as we chat with Professor Wang Jianxin of China's Northwest University to understand this 2,000-year-old...
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Dr. Ye Wa pots
March 30, 2021

Uncovering a 5,000-Year-Old Settlement in Yangguanzhai with Archaeologist Dr. Ye Wa 叶娃 [in Mandarin] (Event #7)

Join us for a special chat with Dr. Ye Wa, Professor of Archaeology at UCLA, to discover one of China’s earliest settlements. Dr. Ye Wa takes us to examine discoveries made at Yuangguanzhai, listed as...
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architecture deyin luo
March 17, 2021

Hani Terraced Villages: Architecture with Professor Luo Deyin 罗德胤 [in Mandarin] (Event #23)

What are the Hani tribes like? How did these ancient villages withstand the test of time? And how do they keep local traditions when faced with the developments of modern society? Luo Deyin, Professor at...
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guge dinasty dig
March 17, 2021

The Vanished Kingdom of Guge with Archaeologist Zhang Jianlin 张建林 [in Mandarin] (Event #26)

Mei Zhang talks to renowned archaeologist Zhang Jianlin, author of The Land of Secrets - In Search of the Vanished Guge Civilization and distinguished Professor at Northwest University in Xi'an.
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ancestral shrine
March 17, 2021

Ancestral Shrines with Professor Luo Deyin 罗德胤 [in Mandarin] (Event #27)

Ancestral shrines are major spiritual and cultural elements of Chinese tradition. To learn more, we chat with Professor Deyin Luo from the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University to learn more about these ancestral halls...
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