Hani Terraced Villages: Architecture with Professor Luo Deyin 罗德胤 [in Mandarin] (Event #23)

architecture deyin luo

Hani Terraced Villages: Architecture with Professor Luo Deyin 罗德胤 [in Mandarin] (Event #23)

What are the Hani tribes like? How did these ancient villages withstand the test of time? And how do they keep local traditions when faced with the developments of modern society? Luo Deyin, Professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Architecture, takes you on a journey to find out.


Luo Deyin

Luo Deyin

Luo Deyin is an associate professor at the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University and deputy director of the Expert Steering Committee of Traditional Villages of the Ministry of Housing and Construction. He has published many historical and architectural books, including Research and Exploration of Vernacular Settlements, Reading Chinese Villages, Xianxia Ancient Road, and Hani Terraced Settlements.


2020 May 05


UTC -5
12:00 am - 1:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: 2020 May 05 - 06
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 am


WildChina Academy
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  • Mei Zhang
    Mei Zhang
    Founder and CEO of WildChina

    Mei Zhang is the founder and CEO of WildChina. Under her leadership, WildChina flourished from a small Hutong operation into an award-winning business. Mei’s own expertise has led her to win a number of personal awards, including Travel and Leisure’s A-List of Top Travel Advisors, Condé Nast Traveler’s Top Travel Specialist, and Wendy Perrin’s #WOW List of Travel Experts. Mei is an Aspen Institute China Fellow and currently serves as a member of Harvard Business School’s Alumni Board.