Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien

WildChina > Podcast > Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien

For this episode we’re delving into the mission of EGRC (Educating Girls of Rural China), an NGO supporting the educational pursuits of girls in China’s underprivileged regions.

Our guest is the founder of EGRC, Ching Tien, who shares with us her personal story of growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution. Her path strays from an educated family background and setting, to relocation in Gansu, the poorest province in China at the time, where she worked in a factory.

Several decades later, Ching found herself at a children’s concert in Vancouver, thinking of the girls she bumped shoulders with back in Gansu, and the many worldly opportunities they were missing out on. The first seedlings of EGRC were thence planted, and today, 18 years later, over 2,000 girls in China have benefited from the NGO born of that dream.

Listen to Episode 31:
Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien

You can also listen to The China Travel Podcast on:

Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien
Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien
Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien
Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien
Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien
Episode 31: Educating Girls of Rural China with Ching Tien

Episode Overview:

  • 00:29 – Introduction to Ching Tien
  • 03:01 – The inspiration for EGRC 
  • 05:51 – Ching’s upbringing in China
  • 10:55 – Ching’s father’s story
  • 11:40 – The Flying Tigers and The Hump
  • 14:38 – Starting EGRC
  • 16:43 – The first group of EGRC students
  • 20:07 – The mission and function of EGRC
  • 23:44 – The girls EGRC has helped
  • 30:33 – Government support (grants and loans) for higher education in China
  • 35:01 – Key components to setting up the EGRC girls for success in life

Places, resources and tips mentioned in the podcast:

Learn more about EGRC’s mission and follow them on social media:

Donate to EGRC:

Donations can be made via EGRC’s website https://egrchina.net/ or Canada Helps.

For those wishing to donate RMB or have inquiries to direct to EGRC, please contact info@ergc.ca

Ching Tien
Ching Tien 2006 Trip to China

Ching Tien
Ching Tien in Gansu 2013

Educating Girls of Rural China
Ching Tien in Gansu 2013

Educating Girls of Rural China
Ching Tien in Gansu 2013

Educating Girls of Rural China
Ching Tien sits with her sponsored students at Xiangquan High School in Gansu, China. April 5th 2016.

Ching Tien
Zhang Min’s grandparent’s house. Zhang Min high school, boarding and food is sponsored by Ching for the last 3 years of her high school. Zhang’s father died in a car accident, and her mother tried to commit suicide and is now paralyzed and delusional. Both her and her sister are raised by her grandparents who have no income and are both unwell too. April 2016 Ching Tien sits after listening to their story.

WildChina and EGRC

WildChina is proud to have had EGRC as the recipient of our annual Chi Fan For Charity event, three years and counting. Learn more about Chi Fan For Charity and the charities we’ve fundraised below.