

A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

An Educated Response to COVID-19: What schools in China are doing amid the coronavirus outbreak  

Featured photo by Lu via Unsplash China’s systems have faced incredible challenges since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, that emerged around the country in late January. Factories have been closed for extended periods of time, office staff are working from home, many restaurants...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

A note from WildChina founder Mei Zhang on the coronavirus outbreak

Dear Friends, In the past twenty days, the coronavirus and the fight against it have become so much more personal. The initial instinct to hunker down to survive has been completely replaced with humility and...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Jiuzhaigou National Park Reopens Further Following Devastating 2017 Earthquake

Jiuzhaigou National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in China’s Sichuan Province is a true gem of an attraction. Meaning ‘Nine Village Valley’, Jiuzhaigou is named for the nine Tibetan villages that dot the sprawling...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

Choose Your Own Small Group Adventure

Featured image by Jeff Fuchs, WildChina Expert There are a few certainties when it comes to travel. You’ll definitely learn something new, whether it’s how to make a killer bowl of noodles or something as...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling in China With Your Family

Originally posted on Caixin Global   The end of the year is nearing, and before that, the great migration of Golden Week. If you are like me, you bought flights months ago for your winter, if...
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Man enjoying his tea

The Road Less Traveled: Our Journey into Sustainable Tourism

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism is defined as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry,...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

Seven-Tenths Tea, Three-Tenths Friendship: Culture and Tea in China

The history of tea is almost as long as the history of China itself. Given that the Middle Kingdom is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, that is no small statement. In fact,...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

From Gentle Simmer to Rolling Boil – The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of Pu’er Tea

While Helen of Troy was the face that launched a thousand ships, pu’er tea was the beverage that paved the ancient Tea Horse Road. Fifteen hundred years ago, pu’er was a humble tea that rarely...
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Man enjoying his tea

Our Favorite Memoirs to Understand Modern China

Featured Picture by Pete on Flick There has been an ocean of ink spilled on the topic of understanding China stemming all the way back to the time of Marco Polo, who some say was...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

Earth Day: Track pandas and monkeys as part of new conservation efforts

Featured Image by Aaron Berkovich, WildChina Explorer Grant Applicant 2016. 49 years ago, Earth Day was established as a worldwide event to recognize the importance of political action and civic participation in protecting our world from...
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