Camino de Santiago: The Medieval Pilgrimage Route of St. James

8 Days
May 13th - May 20th, 2023
Porto, Portugal
Porto, Portugal
About this Journey

The historic pilgrimage route of Camino de Santiago dates back to medieval times, drawing images of pious 10th century Europeans trudging the uneven roads of modern-day Spain to reach the site of Saint James the Great.

Today, the route remains as do the pilgrims, each making the trek in their own way – some do it solo on foot, some astride a bicycle, while others make the pursuit amidst a group of friends.

As Pope Benedict XVI said, “It is a way sown with so many demonstrations of fervor, repentance, hospitality, art and culture which speak to us eloquently of the spiritual roots of the Old Continent.”  

***Led by WildChina founder, Mei Zhang

Where you're going
What we love
  • Trekking the same 100-kilometers to Santiago that pilgrims have been doing for centuries
  • Meeting local villagers and world-traveling pilgrims along the way
  • Traveling with WildChina founder Mei Zhang who is leading this trip as a field-study for her PhD in transforming China’s Tea Horse Road into a continuous hiking trail


Saturday, May 13 to Saturday, May 20th, 2023


Starting from 38,200 RMB per person (5,682 USD)

Guide Language


Booking Details

To view the full itinerary and book via WeChat, please scan the QR code below.

To inquire about the full itinerary, ask questions, or pay via credit card or personal check, please get in touch:

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Our team of advisors will design every detail of the trip with you through close consultation, then orchestrate your entire journey while on the ground. We’re in the same time zone as you, so we can fulfill requests and handle issues without a hitch. With over 40 staff in China and an expansive network of operational partners across the country, we have the manpower to ensure your journey is safe, reliable and comfortable from beginning to end.

Your trip, your way

Flexibility is our highest-ranking compliment. We pull off journeys for pioneers with a 6-hour layover to Hollywood’s elite, and everywhere in between. Our team regularly pulls off unprecedented logistical feats; nearly any time frame or budget is within our realm. No matter how you wish to experience China, we are here to bring that dream to life.

We embody passion

WildChina guides are carefully handpicked for their knowledge and charisma, then meticulously trained to maintain our exceptional service standards. They are expert storytellers and passionate natives of the regions where they guide, having the perfect combination of local insights and service know-how to bring you seamless once-in-a- lifetime moments all across China.

The little things, the big picture

Supporting inspired local economies allows you to experience the soul of the destination, while also protecting and cultivating China’s artisanal culture. From watching artisans creating their handcrafts, to picking organic vegetables for dinner on a local farm, our tours are designed to showcase and protect China’s heritage, both natural and human.