

Traditional Chinese Architecture

Get Lost in Gansu

It’s not hard to lose yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of the Gansu wilderness… the immense mountains and sweeping meadows of China’s northwest promise a majestic realm far from the hustle and bustle of coastal...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Traversing China by Train

Imagine speeding by green terraced rice fields, nose pressed against cool glass, marveling at the craggy cliffs of dark mountains looming overhead. Or watching a pair of water buffalo splashing through a waterlogged rice paddy,...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

The Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong: A Cut Above the Rest

The Peninsula name has always been equated with luxury and magnificence, and as the brand’s flagship location, the Peninsula Hong Kong is a cut above the rest.   The two-phase “landmark room enhancement programme,” commenced...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

The HaiDiLao Hot Pot Experience

While not particularly well known among foreigners, almost any Chinese person you ask will be able to tell you about HaiDiLao Hot Pot (海底捞火锅). On the surface, HaiDiLao is a popular chain of restaurants serving hot...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

China’s domestic tourism picks up – with a new green twist

China’s domestic tourism picks up – with a new green twist. In Mark Graham’s late September South China Morning Post article, “On the inside track,” the author quotes a Chinese couple expressing their changing thoughts...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

Slow Food Saturday: A green approach to food in Beijing

Is China becoming a ‘Fast Food Nation’? Just two decades ago, most people in China ate relatively low-fat meals and regularly rode their bicycles to get around. Obesity was extremely rare. Fast forward to today:...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

FAQs on China Travel and H1N1

It can be really difficult to separate fact from rumor when it comes to China travel and H1N1. Based on our experience, talks with officials, and research, here’s what we know about traveling to China...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

What Should I Pack for My Trip to China?

Your tickets are booked, your travel plans are confirmed, you’re ready to go! Except for the question: what should I pack for my trip to China? Here’s a list of items you might want to...
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Condé Nast World Savers Congress: China Panel

Dedicated to honoring organizations and individuals that use the $8 trillion dollar tourism industry as an avenue for positive change in the world, the World Savers Congress brings travel professionals, philanthropists, activists, and changemakers together...
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Peter Greenberg

Some Helpful China Information: Peter Greenberg’s travel blog

Here’s a great resource for anyone thinking about traveling to China from Peter Greenberg’s travel blog. Peter is a well-respected travel authority who often appears on NBC’s Today Show and also produces and appears in...
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