Hong Kong: Best City in the World

WildChina > WildChina > Hong Kong: Best City in the World

Having just received recognition from the Economist as the best city in the world, we thought it would be an appropriate time to express our own fondness for Hong Kong. We sat down with two of WildChina’s native Hongkies Anna Bosco and Samantha Woods to learn the secrets about what makes this city so great:

Frequently referred to as the “New York of Asia,” a comment that no doubt will rankle the chain of anyone who hails from the big apple, Hong Kong is a leading cultural and financial center in the world. As Samantha describes it, “Hong Kong has the best of East and West, city and countryside, history and modernity.” A true mixing bowl of culture and landscape the city is not to be missed.

Hong Kong

Any tour of Hong Kong where you did not make food a focal point of your visit would be a tragedy. In Hong Kong, Dim Sum is a specialty, and if you want the very best, Anna recommends a trip to the Four Seasons.

Prepared immaculately, the dishes run the gambit, offering rare delicacies side by side with the sinful treats you would find on the street. Hot and exhausted while shopping? Anna recommends an icy Sago Mango. This luscious drink combines mango juice with pieces of mango and pomelo to create the perfect mid-day break.

Hong Kong Dim Sum
Hong Kong: Best City in the World

But food is not the only reward in this bastion of culture. As noted in the economist article, and confirmed by Anna and Samantha, part of Hong Kong’s allure rests in its layout. Hong Kong is essentially divided into sections that contain either towering buildings or the rich green of tropical parks.

As Samantha explains, “One of my favorite things is that I can take a bus from Central and in 20 minutes be relaxing on a quiet beach.” What’s not to love? If moving to Hong Kong is too big a commitment, simply add a few days here to your next trip with us, and by the end you too may be saying it is the best city in the world.

Hong Kong Beach
Hong Kong: Best City in the World


For most travelers, we have found that 2-3 days in Hong Kong is sufficient over the course of 10-13 day journey. Should you be interested in making Hong Kong a larger piece of your travels, we would be happy to arrange that as well. Send us an email at info@wildchina.com and we can begin planning your own adventure.

Photo Credit Hunter Holt and Karen Goodman.

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