
Yunnan food

Thanksgiving in China: Forget Turkey, Make This Year About Ham

Celebrating Thanksgiving in China can feel a bit strange. But there's no reason why 'a bit different' needs to equate to 'not as good.'
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

WildChina founder and Dali-native Mei Zhang’s Insider Tips to Dali

Dali is the perfect backdrop for a truly authentic Chinese travel experience. From stunning mountains to decadent gastronomic delights, the city of Dali and its surrounding areas provide visitors with a one-of-a-kind immersion into a China...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Must Try Yunnan Recipes

Chinese cuisine is much more than the sickeningly sweet orange chicken and limp chow mein you may have encountered outside of China. In fact, Chinese cuisine is very diverse and varies from province to province....
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Man enjoying his tea

When Simple Tastes Better: Local Yunnan Lunch on the Haba Trail

This note was written by Devin Corrigan, a WildChina tour leader & travel consultant who recently traveled to Mount Haba on an educational trip. Previously, he blogged about the fascinating lore associated with the mountain...
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