

Taiwanese Cuisine: A Legacy of Culinary Fusion

Explore Taiwanese cuisine, a remarkable legacy of culinary fusion, shaped by generations of brave sailors, people from colonial countries, and once prosperous merchants.
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Festivals and Events in Taiwan

Festivals and Events in Taiwan: A Guide to the Year

We've highlighted the best festivals and events in Taiwan for every month throughout the year, so you can focus on picking your dates and we can do what we do best – everything else!
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Tea Island: Around Taiwan in Five Teas 

 Exploring five types of tea - white, black, green, oolong, and high-mountain oolong – by traveling to five different counties in Taiwan. 
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Taiwan – Asia’s Best Kept Foodie Secret?

Tom Stapleton, WildChina’s representative in the UK and Europe, reflects upon the delectable delicacies he enjoyed during a recent trip to Taiwan. Ask people what they associate with Taiwan and you’ll get blank faces, or...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Adventure in Tropical Taiwan

When the cold sets in, and you’re looking to head somewhere tropical, forgo the standard escape to the Caribbean and opt for a little more adventure: a trip to Taiwan.  Breathtaking turquoise water, lush vegetation,...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Is Jeremy Lin China’s 2012 Valentine?

Even if you are not a basketball fan, the recent success and rise of Jeremy Lin has been thrilling to track. In his short 23 years, Lin’s life has been a series of remarkable events:  Harvard-educated, one...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

WildChina’s Best of 2011

It’s that time of year.  The holidays, mulled wine, time with family and, of course,  recapping the highlights of the past 12 months.  Everyone at WildChina could not resist the opportunity to create our own...
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Educational travel in Taiwan

WildChina is pleased to announce the expansion of our Educational travel in Taiwan, bringing to the Ilha Formosa (“Beautiful Island”) the same spirit of innovation and uncompromising level of service that characterize WildChina travel on...
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