

Chinese door in Hutong alley

A Surprise Snowfall in Beijing

This morning when Beijing residents opened their windows, we were in for a real surprise. After days of 50 and 60 degree-weather (F), snow blanketed the city overnight. To celebrate the end of winter, here...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

Winter has arrived in Changqing!

Winter has arrived! Well… according to the Chinese calendar that is. If following our Gregorian Calender we still have another 13 days to go…however, here in the Qinling Mountains, I have no doubt the weather...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

North China is Hit by Blizzard

This year’s transition from Autumn to winter is already turning out to be one of superlatives. This week, northern China experienced its heaviest snowfall in the last half century. Not since 1955 has one tempest...
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