

Chinese door in Hutong alley

A Surprise Snowfall in Beijing

This morning when Beijing residents opened their windows, we were in for a real surprise. After days of 50 and 60 degree-weather (F), snow blanketed the city overnight. To celebrate the end of winter, here...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Boutique Hotels in Beijing

Beijing boasts a variety of boutique hotels, but many of these are tucked away in hutongs (Beijing’s ancient neighborhoods) and remain secret oases from the frenzy of Beijing’s busiest streets where most of the larger...
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Man enjoying his tea

Older parts of Chinese cities – See them while you can!

Over the last decade of bringing our clients to some of China’s wildest destinations, one of the biggest changes we’ve seen has been the large amounts of demolition of swathes of the older parts of...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Interview with Matthew Hu, Chinese cultural heritage preservationist

Beijing’s whirlwind of development, like the rest of China’s, is having serious consequences for the city’s traditional neighborhoods. In wake of such destruction and construction, who is behind the movement to protect the structures of...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

“Do You Hutong?” celebrates Beijing’s alleyways on July 17

In the spirit of #TravelTuesday and unique China experiences, we’re highlighting Beijing’s beloved hutong, or traditional alleyways. This Saturday, July 17, our friends at the Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center are putting on a unique...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

Author Michael Meyer Talks About Beijing’s Disappearing Hutong Neighborhoods

Michael Meyer is the author of a soon-to-be-published book called The Last Days of Old Beijing, which describes the disappearing hutong neighborhoods of Beijing, as well as the people who've lived there for decades. The...
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