WildChina > Foodie Finds > Fujian Feast

Our very own WildChina blogger Chelin Miller has set out to investigate the hundreds of Chinese cuisines that are represented in Beijing. Her most recent foray? Into the kitchens that specialize in the delicacies from the coastal southern province of Fujian.

We headed to the Fujian representative restaurant in Beijing’s Haidian district to sample some of this fantastic seafood-based cuisine (a treat indeed, in land-locked Beijing!).

With dishes both spicy and subtle, the food was delicious and different enough from local Beijing fare to inspire us to place Fujian high on our travel list. Below are the results of our gastronomic adventure…

Preparing the bread for the day
Preparing the bread for the day

Fujian Feast
Fried salty fish on the left with freshly made bread on the right

Fujian Feast
One of the spiciest pork dishes in recent memory. Yeah, we thought those were innocent green beans too

Fujian Feast
Delicious shrimp and fish patties

If you are interested in sampling Fujian’s cuisine on your next trip to China, or have any general questions about travel in China, don’t hesitate to send us an email at info@wildchina.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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