
Yellow Mountain

Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

China in Winter: Where Should I Visit?

China in winter is home to many unexpected cold weather wonderlands. Instead of getting the winter blues this year, embrace the season and enjoy unique experiences that rival any of those you could have in the warmer months. ...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

A Walking Holiday Along China’s Most-Beloved Trails

It’s time to slow down and experience China’s natural wonders on foot. An active walking holiday through fog-shrouded mountains or bamboo-forested karst terrain will reveal the natural settings of one of the world’s most ancient cultures. Here are some...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

Why Anhui should be on your travel radar

What do Ang Lee’s ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ have in common? Both were critically acclaimed films that ignited the global imagination like wildfire, and both can be traced directly back to...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

Anhui, China’s living Heritage: Xidi, Bishan, Yellow Mountain, Wanan and more

WildChina was thrilled to read “In Anhui, China, Centuries-Old Charm,” a travel article featured in The New York Times.  Since 2001, WildChina has been sending family trips and sponsoring museum travel to Anhui as it...
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Man enjoying his tea

A winter holiday in China: National Parks, Jinghong, and Guizhou travel

Looking for an unforgettable way to spend the winter holidays?  China may not be the most traditional answer, but it’s definitely an exciting one!  The colder months mark a time in the travel season where...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

A hiker’s China dream: The trails of Huangshan and Jiuzhaigou

For many people, travel is a great excuse to be lazy and pampered, but for others of us, it’s a perfect opportunity to not only to get a little exercise but to do so among...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

China’s Holy Mountains

Talking to a journalist recently. He asked me: I’m thinking of going to China in Sept. or Oct. to do a story on China’s holy mountains. Have you been to many of them? Any particular...
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