
winter in Beijing

Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

China in Winter: Where Should I Visit?

China in winter is home to many unexpected cold weather wonderlands. Instead of getting the winter blues this year, embrace the season and enjoy unique experiences that rival any of those you could have in the warmer months. ...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

A Surprise Snowfall in Beijing

This morning when Beijing residents opened their windows, we were in for a real surprise. After days of 50 and 60 degree-weather (F), snow blanketed the city overnight. To celebrate the end of winter, here...
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Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

Winter Wonderland: 3 things to do in Beijing this December

Happy December! Winter has officially set in around the Northern Capital, which means that Beijing’s late-afternoon sunlight is coupled with chilly winds, chuanr (meat skewer) stands now double as outdoor heaters, and hats/mittens/gloves are sold on...
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