
Chelin Miller

Chinese door in Hutong alley

Fujian Feast

Our very own WildChina blogger Chelin Miller has set out to investigate the hundreds of Chinese cuisines that are represented in Beijing. Her most recent foray? Into the kitchens that specialize in the delicacies from...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

Shangri-La Family Style

WildChina featured blogger Chelin Miller catches us up on her recent trip to Yunnan: The Millers (mum, dad and three daughters) spent a week in Yunnan’s Shangri-La, on a relaxing tour of the ‘Kingdom South...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

Dali Courtyard Two, the new Yunnan restaurant in Beijing

There is no shortage of restaurants in Beijing – high-end, mediocre, fast-food; international, regional, Imperial … and the trend has been an increase in numbers, variety and location. But there is one well-established regional restaurant...
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Tibetan Buddhism Flags

The Ancient Tea and Horse Road – An interview with Jeff Fuchs

After months of following Jeff Fuchs’ blog and appearances at WildChina’s website, I finally met him personally during a presentation at Beijing Literary Festival in Capital M. Jeff’s passion for mountains and tea are evident...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Cooking up a storm at Black Sesame Kitchen

Black Sesame Kitchen was founded in 2008 by internationally renowned Chef and food writer, Jen Lin-Liu, author of best-selling cook-book “Serve the People – A Stir-fried Journey through China.” Located in one of Beijing’s most...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

China’s Holy Mountain – An Illustrated Journey into the Heart of Buddhism

When I first came across Christoph Baumer’s China’s Holy Mountain – An Illustrated Journey into the Heart of Buddhism, I was impressed by its first quality presentation, abundance of information and beauty of its images....
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Man enjoying his tea

Tibetan Jewelry: Insights from Jeff Fuchs + Chris Buckley

Last week, during a talk at the Capital M Literary Festival, Jeff Fuchs said something that got me thinking: “Tibetans own nothing but masses of land, huge herds and a fortune in rocks”. He was...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

WildChina takes a peek into Phoenix Design…

In this day and age, when most things are massively produced in factories, it is refreshing to find a boutique-shop in Beijing that sells hand-made ceramic wares. As you walk in, the smell of fresh...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Tang’ Roulou: Nostalgic, bucolic French design with a Chinese influence

Tang’ Roulou was founded in Beijing in 2007 as a brand of clothes and accessories for children. French designers Amélie Peraud and Pierre-Yves Babin, have a passion for all things Chinese and this is reflected...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

The First Ever Snow Polo World Cup in Asia

Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012 was hosted at China’s coastal city of Tianjin from 4 -12 February. The final, won by Hong Kong (China) against South Africa was played at the luxury resort...
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