WildChina > Foodie Finds > Make Way for Dumplings!

Who doesn’t love dumplings? Tiny edible parcels bursting with delicious juice and flavor; each little morsel is a delightful surprise for your pallet.

WildChina traveler Charles Haynes partook in our Gastronomic Tour of China with chef and food critic Fuchsia Dunlop. Fuchsia took the group to Xi’an, home to the famous Chinese dumpling, and they just couldn’t get enough.

Check out some of the dumplings they tasted below–photo credit for these amazing photos goes to Charles Haynes. Beware, looking at this blog could lead to you trying to eat your computer!

Duck Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Golden Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Little Gold Bag Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Shrimp in a Rice Wrapping

Make Way for Dumplings!

Walnut Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Skirt Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Vegetable Fin Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!

Four-Leaf Clover Dumplings

Make Way for Dumplings!



If you have questions about travel in China, send us an email at info@wildchina.com and we will be happy to assist you.

All photos taken and provided courtesy of WildChina traveler Charles Haynes

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