

Man enjoying his tea

Announcing Photo Expedition Spring/Summer 2012 for Photography Students

This journey, titled High Speed China: Urban Development and Youth Culture in the Middle Kingdom is being led by WildChina Expert Matthew Niederhauser, one of China’s leading photojournalists. This journey will immerse photography students in...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

NYTimes’ “31 Places to Visit in 2010” features Shanghai and Shenzhen

First the Travel+Leisure feature, and now this article in the New York Times (NYTimes): it is increasingly apparent that China is set to experience a tourism renaissance in 2010. Among the 31 chosen destinations in...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

What We’re Reading: NYTimes on Travel in China

The New York Times has some really interesting pieces on travel in China right now, including: The Perils of Hong Kong Jade on tricks and tips for buying jade in Hong Kong I thought this...
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