WildChina > WildChina > Announcing Photo Expedition Spring/Summer 2012 for Photography Students

This journey, titled High Speed China: Urban Development and Youth Culture in the Middle Kingdom is being led by WildChina Expert Matthew Niederhauser, one of China’s leading photojournalists. This journey will immerse photography students in China’s rapid urban development and fascinating youth culture. In addition to receiving one-on-one instruction on photo techniques, students will have the opportunity to meet China’s premier artists, attend an underground rock concert and have dinner with a Wall Street Journal journalist to begin to come to grips with the complicated economic situation that faces Chinese officials.  Journey Highlights:

    • One-on-one interaction with one of China’s leading photojournalists whose work has been featured in The New Yorker, Foreign Policy Magazine, New York Times, Time & more


    • Guangzhou: Workshop on night shooting techniques around Zhujiang New | Meet with local artists


    • Wuhan: Shoot in the city’s urban edge mega-blocks, hanging out with local skateboarders & graffiti artists | Capture images at an underground punk rock concert


    • Beijing: Dinner at Beijing’s top dumpling restaurant with Wall Street Journal economy expert | Exclusive tour of Caochangdi Art District


Announcing Photo Expedition Spring/Summer 2012 for Photography Students
If interested in learning more, please contact education@wildchina.com

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