

Episode 18: Dunhuang & the Mogao Grottoes

For our eighteenth episode we chat with Dunhuang Academy Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Neil Schmid. As one of the world’s leading authorities on medieval Buddhism’s visual culture, Neil covers the importance and implications of the grotto art...
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WildChina On-Air: In Conversation With Dr. Neil Schmid

Here at WildChina, we’re not just a travel company. We go beyond just showing people a destination by fostering a deeper understanding and perception of a place and the people we find there. In the...
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Tibetan Buddhism Flags

Gansu’s Mogao Caves: A Desert Sanctuary a Millennium in the Making

Originally posted on Caixin Global Buddhism came to China in many waves and through many routes. It brought not just a philosophy, but a cultural milieu of art, sculpture, festivals, and literature. Nowhere is the influence...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

On the road in Xishuangbanna: The Manfeilong Stupas

China is filled with cultural and historical treasures dating back centuries, even millennia, but it is a sad truth that the number of valuable sites and relics diminished greatly in the past 200 years, primarily...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

What We’re Reading: NatGeo in Shangri-La

Yunnan continues to be an inspiration for interesting commentary, with National Geographic‘s May 2009 issue featuring a piece on Shangri-la (Zhongdian). Mark Jenkins explores this “complicated” and “confounding” Tibetan town in southwest China and the competing visions...
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Yunnan: Hiking in Xishuangbanna

Located in the far south of the province, near China's border with Myanmar and Laos, Xishuangbanna is an autonomous prefecture known for its tropical weather, rain forests and ethnic minorities. It's a lush area that...
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