
National Nature Reserve

Candles in a Buddhist temple

Co-operation the Key to Environmental Success

I have now entered my final week of work for Changqing Reserve. Not surprisingly, I am feeling a mixture of emotions leaving the place that has become home for me for some time now: Firstly...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Spending some time with a Giant Panda in the wild!

It’s happened!! After months of learning about Giant Pandas, seeing videos about them, writing blogs about them, and constructing an Action Plan to minimise the impact of tourism to them – I have seen a...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Infrared Cameras in Changqing Reserve

Photo of Giant Panda taken in Changqing Reserve by one of the infrared cameras Over the Christmas and New Years period I was blessed to have two of my good friends from back home come...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Changqing Reserve Staff Training Program

This week has been a somewhat inspiring one for me from a professional perspective. As I think I have mentioned in a previous blog, China often gets bad international publicity when it comes to their...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

Winter has arrived in Changqing!

Winter has arrived! Well… according to the Chinese calendar that is. If following our Gregorian Calender we still have another 13 days to go…however, here in the Qinling Mountains, I have no doubt the weather...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

Improving Local Practices in Southwest China, Part 3: Resource Management Techniques in Jiuzhaigou National Park

WildChina recently embarked on a series of initiatives to improve local practices in rural areas in southwest China. This is the final section of the three-part series examining efforts to improve life for those in...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Patriotism, Song and Dance

I am writing this blog from my room, watching the faint drops of rain drizzle down my window. Today is the last day of the Golden Week holiday, which has turned out not to be...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Preparations for Golden Week

The last week has been a busy and exciting one at Changqing Reserve. Everyone has been preparing for the ‘Golden Week’ holiday – from the Director to the girls who work in the hotel where...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

Living and Working in Rural China

Hi, my name is Heather. I’m a 28 year old Australian currently living and working in rural China – and this is my first official blog entry (ever!). About a month ago now I had...
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