

Songyang Elder, photo by Xiangjun

Songyang’s Once Young: Portraits from a Forgotten Countryside

A new Shanghai photography exhibition by artists Xiangjun and Zhang Zhanping reveals the faces of Songyang, a rural village in Zhejiang province.
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Zhejiang’s White Tea

The question, “What is white tea?” is one that I’ve been struggling to answer for months. While many tea producers in northern Zhejiang Province claim that the only difference between white and green tea lies...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

Lion’s Peak Village and the Wangs: Tea and the Environment in Rural Zhejiang

Walking through the mist-laden Longjing Mountains (龙井山-lóngjǐngshān), also known as the Dragon Well Mountains, I stumble upon the entrance to Lion’s Peak Village (狮峰-shīfēngcūn)—one of the five villages that comprise Longjing County. As I follow...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Guest Blogger Introduction: Andrew Stein of Project Releaf

Beginning this March, I’m planning to take you on a journey through some of China’s most remote and ancient tea localities. With aid from a Fulbright Research Grant, I will travel across China, exploring a...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

T+L’s Top Travel Trends for 2010, featuring Hangzhou, China

Travel+Leisure recently came out with their Top Travel Trends for 2010 in their January 2010 issue. At number six is “Exploring Hot New Destinations,” which features Hangzhou (杭州), the capital of Zhejiang (浙江) Province. This...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

China’s Holy Mountains

Talking to a journalist recently. He asked me: I’m thinking of going to China in Sept. or Oct. to do a story on China’s holy mountains. Have you been to many of them? Any particular...
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