

Chinese door in Hutong alley

Traveler’s Voice: Sacred region in Shangri-la

The following post was written by a student from Concordia International School Shanghai who traveled with WildChina to Abujee in September 2011. ———- Trekking amidst the tranquility and nature that is Abujee, a sacred region...
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Man enjoying his tea

Abujee Trek in Northern Yunnan

WildChina recently took students from an international school on a multi-day trek in a remote region outside of Zhongdian (popularly known as Shangri-La). It was challenging hiking at altitudes upward of 4000 meters, but the...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Ecotourism: Greening Your Next Vacation

The following is an excerpt taken from the Spring 2011 issue of WEALTH Magazine. ——— Before solidifying your next vacation plans, consider the latest trend in eco-awareness — ecotourism.  We’ve spotlighted three green luxury travel...
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Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

Time running out to book your 2011 China journey

Nobody likes to be hurried, but if you’ve been putting off deciding whether you’re going to travel to China later this year, now is an ideal time to make those plans. As this recent travel...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

Review: Tea Horse Road by Michael Freeman and Selena Ahmed

For many travelers, one of the difficult aspects of setting aside the time and money for a trip to China is that it’s hard to know what you’re getting yourself in for until you’re stepping...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

Things to see and do in Shangri-La, Yunnan

The following post is an excerpt from Catherine Bodry, a writer for AOL’s Gadling Travel Blog. Gadling’s last stop on Yunnan’s ancient tea horse road was Shangri-la, China, a high-altitude Tibetan city named after the mythical town in...
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Man enjoying his tea

Tibetan Thangka Academy: Saving a dying tradition

Our journeys are great ways to enjoy the beauty of China’s countryside as well as the dynamism and history of its cities, but they are also unique opportunities to meet inspiring and unforgettable people. During...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

Shaxi: A small patch of paradise in Yunnan

Teeming with geographical, ethnic and biological diversity – plus some of the best food in China – Yunnan has always been one of our most popular destinations. The charming small towns of Lijiang, Dali, Jinghong and...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Yak cheese: An unexpected culinary surprise in China

On WildChina journeys in Tibet and Tibetan areas of Qinghai, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, many of our clients experience foods and beverages made from yak meat and yak milk, including yak cheese, for the first...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Exploring Joseph Rock’s China

WildChina prides itself in taking its clients to unspoiled, unseen corners of the country, but we also recognize that we wouldn’t know about these places had it not been for the efforts of the old-school...
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