How to Get a Kick out of Your Family China Adventure

WildChina > Destinations > How to Get a Kick out of Your Family China Adventure

Experiencing China’s history and culture as a family doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead, set out on a family adventure that will enrich your kids’ understanding of the world and leave them saying “Whoa! That was so cool!” Leave the chores at home and add these family-friendly China activities to your trip:


Get your Kung fu hustle on at Shaolin Monastery

If you grew up on a steady dose of Hollywood martial arts cinema, you would, undoubtedly, have once aspired to be the next Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan. Fulfill your kungfu destiny at the legendary Shaolin temple, where its unique style of kungfu first originated 1,500 years ago. The whole family can learn traditional kung fu techniques right along side the students who live and study at this legendary temple. You’ll also find out about Buddhism, Shaolin medicine and see what it’s like to grow up in China’s kungfu heartland. Stop by Shaolin on our Kungfu and Kicks Family trip.

How to Get a Kick out of Your Family China Adventure

Close encounters with panda cubs in Chengdu

Chengdu is home to China’s famous Giant Panda. It’s one thing to see this cuddly creature from the outside of a zoo cage, but in Chengdu, you and your kids can get up close and personal. Spend the day at Dujiangyan Panda Valley with a ranger to gain a better understanding of daily life for this endangered species. With the guidance of the panda breeding center staff, you and your family will help to prepare food, and monitor and care for the pandas. If you are lucky, you might even get to visit the rescue center, rarely seen by outsiders other than doctors and researchers. Here, local scientists rescue and rehabilitate injured Golden Monkeys, Red Pandas and Giant Pandas. Visit China’s pandas on your family Chengdu trip.

How to Get a Kick out of Your Family China AdventureMountains, rivers and outdoor fun In Guilin

Guilin is home to China’s stunning karst mountain scenes and flowing Li River. It’s the perfect place to slow down and experience real life China outside its urban centers.

yangshuo-farmerThis is your chance to hop on your bikes and pedal through mountain paths, exploring the area, and stopping for lunch at the home of a local family along the way. You can finish off your biking expedition at a tea plantation atop a mountain peak with panoramic views of the surrounding verdant scenery. Guilin’s unique karst formations also make it the most popular rock-climbing destination in China.

In the late afternoon, the whole family can get creative and try their hands at Chinese ink-painting techniques, inspired by the same unique landscape that has stirred the pens of generations of Chinese painters and poets.

Shanghai’s Acrobats – And Disney!

Shanghai is full of exciting family experiences. Enjoy some of the world’s greatest acrobatic performances at Shanghai Circus World’s ERA show which features bowl balancing, trampoline stunts, and highflying trapeze acts, and layers it with a modern and contemporary aesthetic. Shanghai is also the perfect place to fly a kite in the local park or hop in a sidecar for a fun tour of the city. And it’s now home to the newest Disney park. Find out more about how to have a magical Disney Shanghai vacation.

Photo credits: Kungfu boy: larqiue via Flikr; Panda: Dan via Flickr; Man in field: Colleen O’Connor