

Buddhist sculpture and art

Storybook China comes alive in Pǔjí Zhèn

When I was nine years old, I read Pearl S. Buck’s book, The Good Earth. From that point to the day I arrived in China, I dreamed of a China gridded with fields and earthen...
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Man enjoying his tea

Construction of China’s Longest Undersea Tunnel Complete

The following post was sourced from the People’s Daily Online. ———- Recently, the Jiaozhou Bay undersea tunnel, located in Qingdao City of east China’s Shandong Province, completed major construction, and progress on affiliated projects, such...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

China’s Holy Mountains

Talking to a journalist recently. He asked me: I’m thinking of going to China in Sept. or Oct. to do a story on China’s holy mountains. Have you been to many of them? Any particular...
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The Real "Strange Beast" of the Confucius Mansion in Qufu

Friendly Shandong – Weekend Visit to Qufu and Zhujiayu Village

When I arrived on the train in Yangzhou, Shandong Province this past Friday morning, I really didn’t know what to expect. WildChina sent a colleague, Cara, and myself to survey a few sites that we...
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