WildChina’s New Pinterest Account

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First it was Facebook, then, Twitter.

Now, the latest “talk of the town”, Pinterest, a website that joined the social media bandwagon in 2010, has become one of the fastest growing social websites in the world. A social, photo-bookmarking website founded on “a global platform of inspiration and idea sharing”, Pinterest sets itself apart from the already established Facebook and Twitter with its unique take on using photography to connect individuals based on commonalities of interest, whether it be the latest fashions or breathtaking travel destinations.

How does it work? Well, Facebook has its “likes”, Twitter, its “tweets”, and Pinterest, its “pins”. Users can browse through the photographs of other users for inspiration and “re-pin” images that fit their interests, creating “pinboards” to organize their individual pages. For example, our current Princeton in Asia fellow and native of Hong Kong, Anna, enjoys browsing the website in her spare time for photos of scrumptious dim sum.

WildChina has also latched onto Pinterest, keeping busy with “pinning” photos and creating pinboards of its own based on themes ranging from chic travel styles to delicious Chinese cuisine. We’re gaining a following including Wendy Perrin, the world-renowned travel advice columnist for Conde Nast Traveler’s “Perrin’s Report: Secrets Every Traveler Should Know”. Being on Pinterest allows for WildChina to reach a broader clientele that may not necessarily search “travel” as an initial interest. For example, for a user that enjoys finding the world’s most scrumptious cuisine, seeing one of our photographs of Sichuan chicken noodle soup might spark their interest,  bringing them to our Pinterest page, and maybe even our Facebook and Twitter pages.

WildChina’s New Pinterest Account

Pinterest is not only redefining the world of photo sharing but the way in which WildChina is able to connect with clients from various corners of the world.

Interested in joining? Request an invite to join Pinterest or ask a friend who is already using the site to send you a quick invite. Even if you don’t end up joining, remember to check out WildChina’s Pinterest here to see some of our favorite photos.

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