
travel in China

Girl praying at an ancient temple

A 500 RMB Food Adventure in Shanghai

Beijing’s rival, Shanghai, is known for three things: the breathtaking Bund, mouthwatering street food, and…more food. WildChina provides some recommendations for fantastic eateries to check out while in the “Paris of the Orient” to dine...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Traveler’s Voice: Thrilled with our tour company, but not seduced by China

The following post was written by Jan Heininger and Jamie Reuter, WildChina clients who traveled with us for two and half weeks in October of 2010.  Their journey took them through Beijing, Tibet, Yunnan Province. Guangxi...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

A Simple Song in Baibi Village

Sometimes all it takes is an unexpected moment – a snapshot of daily life – that brings a trip into focus. I witnessed such a moment during recent travels in Baibi village, an isolated Miao...
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Tibetan Buddhism Flags

Interview: Veronique Terrier Turns Dreams into Itineraries

WildChina recently spoke to Veronique Terrier, a Switzerland-based teacher who has made the most of her China passion by dreaming up and coordinating trips once-in-a-lifetime trips to China. She most recently collaborated with Veronique d’Antras,...
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Tibetan Buddhism Flags

The Liang Congjie I Know

I didn’t know what to expect at Mr. Liang Congjie’s memorial service, or specifically, how to dress for it. In any event, I put on a full black outfit, a bit on the formal side...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Wild no more? Beijing’s ‘Wild Wall’ to open to the public

Wild no more? Beijing’s ‘Wild Great Wall‘ to open to the public. Huanghuacheng, or the “Yellow Flower” Great Wall, has long been a lesser-known section to visitors.  Often been referred to as the “Wild Wall,”...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

Waterfalls & Fall Colors: It’s not all black and white at Changqing

Hi all! My name is Wayne, and I’m an Australian currently working for Shaanxi Changqing National Nature Reserve in Huayang Village, about 5 hours south-west of Xi’an.  My series of posts, as well as my...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Follow our Fall 2010 Press Trip!

Hiking in tea tree forests, watching rare local festivals, and meeting locals of the fabled Ancient Tea Horse Road: our press trip participants have been on the road in Guizhou and Yunnan for 9 days...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

Transforming Rural Villages into Learning Communities

“There are so many natural and beautiful, but backward villages here. It is my dream to help my people.” There is something really touching about the simplicity with which our WildChina guide, Jacky, explains to...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

WildChina Teams Up with Premium Clothing Company Khunu

Finding unique clothing that satisfies the needs of WildChina guides in China’s coldest areas, while allowing them to look the part when in remote boutique hotels, is not an easy task. When leading off-the-beaten-path tours...
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