
Giant Panda

Chinese door in Hutong alley

The Three Most Overrated China Travel Experiences

Originally posted on Caixin Global   On January 3, 2019, the U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory cautioning people to be more vigilant when traveling to China. China is now, according to the State...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

WildChina’s Best of 2011

It’s that time of year.  The holidays, mulled wine, time with family and, of course,  recapping the highlights of the past 12 months.  Everyone at WildChina could not resist the opportunity to create our own...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

Be the first to see new baby pandas

China Daily: Twin pandas were born in southwest China’s Sichuan province. The mother panda, Qi Zhen gave birth to the cubs on August 4, 2011.  The first was female of 152g, and the second was...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Study highlights importance of old-growth forests to giant pandas

Study highlights importance of old-growth forests to giant pandas In cities across China dilapidated old buildings are being leveled to make way for modern new residences. For many Chinese people, this has been part of...
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Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

Ecotourism in Changqing Reserve: Paving the way for conservation in 21st century China

Ecotourism in Changqing National Nature Reserve: paving the way for conservation in 21st century China. Prior to arriving here in China, I didn’t know much about China’s natural wonders beyond pandas. For me, China was...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Co-operation the Key to Environmental Success

I have now entered my final week of work for Changqing Reserve. Not surprisingly, I am feeling a mixture of emotions leaving the place that has become home for me for some time now: Firstly...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Spending some time with a Giant Panda in the wild!

It’s happened!! After months of learning about Giant Pandas, seeing videos about them, writing blogs about them, and constructing an Action Plan to minimise the impact of tourism to them – I have seen a...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

Infrared Cameras in Changqing Reserve

Photo of Giant Panda taken in Changqing Reserve by one of the infrared cameras Over the Christmas and New Years period I was blessed to have two of my good friends from back home come...
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Fisherman in YangShuo

Winter has arrived in Changqing!

Winter has arrived! Well… according to the Chinese calendar that is. If following our Gregorian Calender we still have another 13 days to go…however, here in the Qinling Mountains, I have no doubt the weather...
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