WildChina Education Travel Puts Safety of Guests First

WildChina > Education Travel > WildChina Education Travel Puts Safety of Guests First

WildChina Education Travel takes students of all ages to diverse locations across China, from the grassy plains of Inner Mongolia to the sloping hills of Fujian. Committed to providing both safe and educational trips for our guests, we ensure that our staff is prepared with proper training.


Recently, WildChina Education Travel staff attended a two-day first aid training provided by the Red Cross Society of China. The training covered a range of skills, including how to bandage wounds, secure broken bones or dislocated joints, as well as how to administer CPR. WildChina Education staff members were required to demonstrate the skills they learned at the end of the two-day training, and all received full marks on their certification.

First aid training is just one of the ways WildChina Education ensures our adventures are fun and safe. We also conduct thorough risk assessments of all destinations, carry a fully-equipped first aid kit with us on trip, and always know where the closest medical facilities are located.
Overall, WildChina Education is fully committed to serving our clients with the highest standard of service and dedication to safety for all of our clients. Want to get to know our education team better? Visit our WildChina Education Website for more information about our tours and expert-leaders.