
sustainable travel Yunnan

A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

Portrait of an LBX: the Post-Journey Interview

It’s been almost a year since we first spoke with Portrait of an LBX bikers and writers Andy Keller and Evan Villarrubia. We caught up with them this week to talk about their reflections on...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Shangri-La dreaming

As another summer draws to a close, we find our mind drifting to one of our favorite places to enjoy fall scenery in China – Shangri-La and the surrounding Tibetan areas. Although it is doubtful...
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Traditional Chinese Architecture

Mudslides continue to ‘wreak havoc’ in Yunnan, SW China

The torrential rains that have plagued southwestern China this summer have caused even further damage, this time in Yunnan province. Xinhua reports that in Pudali Township of Yunnan’s Gongshan Drung-Nu Autonomous Region, “at least 67 people...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Frog discovery reveals secrets of Tibet’s creation

Who needs a time machine when you’ve got frogs? Secrets of the development of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau have recently been revealed to us by Popeye-forearmed frogs whose evolutional divergences coincide with major...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Yubeng Primary School: Update from Sunshine

In late March, WildChina founder Mei Zhang bloggedabout colleague Sunshine’s trip to and future work with an elementary school in Yubeng, a Tibetan village in Yunnan province. Recently, Sunshine gave us an update on the...
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