Jean-Paul Tennant

CEO of Geographic Expeditions

Jean-Paul Tennant is the Chief Executive Officer of Geographic Expeditions (GeoEx), a luxury travel company that focuses on tailor-made, adventure and specialized travel. Mr. Tennant joined the company in 2001 as CFO and later became CEO in 2011.  

Prior to joiningGeoExTennant worked for Goldman Sachs in New York, then later served as a bond trader at the U.S. Department of Treasury. Mr. Tennant also served in the US Navy as an officer aboard the fast attack nuclear submarine USS Omaha. His interest in travel was sparked at an early age from childhood travel around Europe and Mauritius that later marked his current career switch.  

Tennant holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, an MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science also from UC Berkeley, and a BSE in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan.  


Geographic Expeditions (GeoEx)