Gabby Gabriel

Co-Founder of Gab China

Gabby Gabriel is an American “Shanghai expert,” as labeled by the BBC in “Reggie in China,” the 2019 documentary about Contemporary China. Gabby is the only foreigner featured in the three-part documentary, hosted by Reggie Yates.

She moved to Shanghai in 2012 and over the past seven years, has been digging deep into Chinese culture through her popular series, Shanghai Love Notes. This series combines digital media and storytelling to uncover stories about Shanghai and stories of the heart.

When Gabby moved to Shanghai, she knew no one, and through social media and events, she built her following on Chinese channels to over 50,000.

Gabby also founded one of China’s most influential LGBTQ organizations. She uses social media to connect over 30,000 people across China, around a sensitive topic, using strategy and content that appeals to the masses but also abides by what is accepted by Chinese officials. She has successfully negotiated with the Chinese governments in Beijing and Shanghai.

Gabby is a frequent public speaker; she has given talks for the American Consulate of Shanghai, TEDx Puxi, and the International Professional Women’s Society.

Gabby founded Gab China to help other companies engage with the Chinese community, and build bridges between the east and west.

Gab China