WildChina > WildChina > From one professional to another

At the end of fall, two travel specialists from Argentina joined WildChina for an adventure through Beijing, Xi’an, Guilin, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. We hear some amazing stories and experiences from WildChina travelers–but it is particularly humbling to get great feedback from professionals in the travel industry. Read on to see what caught these travel specialists’ eye!

From one professional to another

On guides:

“Our guide in Beijing, Chris, was not only flexible and knowledgeable, but also very kind and polite.”

“The best experience we had with our guides was with Stewart [in Guilin]. He was accommodating and sympathetic, while also demonstrating excellent attention to our questions and requirements. He advised us how to take the best pictures and was always joyful and in a good mood.”

From one professional to another

On WildChina expert access:

“The visit to the courtyard home of WildChina’s Director of Leisure to have dinner with her was a very important moment–not only because she made time for us in her busy schedule, but also because that day we were not tourists anymore. It was like being back in Buenos Aires sharing a good time with friends.”

From one professional to another

Support during the journey:

“We also wanted to let you know how grateful we were that our trip operator was available to be reached throughout the entire journey.”

From one professional to another

Thoughts on China:

“We think this is the new kind of luxury travelers seek. It offers authentic experiences that allow people to feel China is their own, even within a short period of time. This is hard to do for someone coming from the West as the food and customs are so different, but with activities like a taiji [tai-chi] class or a yo-yo lesson, clients can forget about their books and preconceptions. They can relax and stop feeling like an outsider in the country they’re visiting. This was our first China experience… and we’ve had such a blast!!”


If you are a travel agent and would like to learn more about our journeys, or just someone interested in joining one, send us an email at info@wildchina.com and we will be happy to assist you.

Photos by Ana Checchi

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