Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan

WildChina > Podcast > Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan

For our nineteenth episode, we chat with existential wellness counselor, Michelle Mope Andersson.

Michelle brings her expertise in ministry to the ground in Yunnan, studying the history of Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan and China, by tracing the routes they took and meeting the people and structures who keep the faith in these Catholic communities alive today.

Listen to Episode 19:

Episode Overview:
  • 00:38 – Introduction to Michelle Mope Andersson
  • 02:13 – Michelle’s recent trips to northwest Yunnan
  • 04:12 – Where is this area geographically
  • 08:57 – How Michelle first became interested in China’s missionary history
  • 14:39 – Michelle’s trip to the Mekong River area
  • 18:34 – How did these Catholic structures first come into being
  • 22:37 – WildChina’s origin story in Yunnan
  • 29:29 – What does it mean to be an existential wellness counselor?
  • 35:56 – Developments in transportation in western Yunnan
  • 36:49 – Dali and the surrounding coffee regions
  • 38:47 – Michelle’s reading recommendations
  • 41:05 – Michelle and Mei’s travel recommendations

You can also listen to The China Travel Podcast on:
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan

Places, resources and tips mentioned in the podcast:

Books/further reading mentioned/recommended by Michelle

Films mentioned/recommended by Michelle

Winery in Cizhong

Michelle’s Travelogues

For more information on Michelle’s work, travels, and exhibitions, visit her website www.mopeandersson.com .

Episode 19: Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Cizhong Catholic Church

Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Farms around the Cizhong Church – Photo By Mei Zhang

Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Baihanluo Church – Photo By Mei Zhang

Catholic Missionaries in Yunnan
Mei’s trip to Nijiang in 1998 – WildChina’s origin story