
Tibetan Buddhism

Praying Wheels in a Tibetan Temple

Episode 7: Tibet

For our seventh episode, we head to Tibet. A region on the Western reaches of China, commonly referred to as the last frontier, the roof of the world. 
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Man enjoying his tea

Local Voices: WildChina Gansu Guide, Peter

Peter has been a guide in Western China for more than ten years. He is passionate about the rich culture of the region and has deep knowledge of the intricacies of Tibetan Buddhism. He is...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

Traveler’s Voice: The dominant characteristic of Lhasa is its spirituality

Continuing with the travel series written by WildChina travelers Janet Heininger and Jamie Reuter, we move on to their next destination. Stop 2 – Lhasa, Tibet… ———- On Tuesday, October 19, we flew 3,000 km to...
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Man enjoying his tea

Tibetan Thangka Academy: Saving a dying tradition

Our journeys are great ways to enjoy the beauty of China’s countryside as well as the dynamism and history of its cities, but they are also unique opportunities to meet inspiring and unforgettable people. During...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

What We’re Reading: NY Times Goes to Yunnan

New York Times reporter Edward Wong unknowingly traced WildChina’s first-ever trip in the piece he recently wrote for the Sunday Travel section. Edward travels throughout Yunnan, from the valley of the Mekong River, (called the...
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