

Chinese door in Hutong alley

The Best Hotels in Hangzhou

The city of Hangzhou is nestled in the thriving Yangtze River Delta and provides a relaxing escape from bustling Shanghai. Hangzhou’s magnificent West Lake (the inspiration for a man-made version in Beijing’s Summer Palace) provides amazing daytime views...
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Tibetan Buddhism Flags

24 Hours in Hangzhou

The city of Hangzhou is just a short train ride from Shanghai and makes an excellent extension to any tour. The city’s romantic scenery has inspired poetry throughout the ages and it’s a destination often referred to in...
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Ethnic Minorities of China

The Best Second-Tier Cities in China to Visit

While they may be beyond the bright lights and popular sights of Beijing and Shanghai, a handful of second-tier cities in China pulse with unique character and flare; offering first-tier attractions, including the world’s largest...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

4 Reasons to Visit Hangzhou and Suzhou in Spring

Hangzhou and Suzhou are well known in China for being slices of paradise on Earth. Spring is the perfect time to visit these two cities and here are our top four reasons why. —  There’s a famous Chinese saying that...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

How to Choose Between Hangzhou and Suzhou

Hangzhou and Suzhou are heavenly paradises in the south of China. But what should you choose if you only can visit one of these majestic cities? – Within China, there are many famous cities that...
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