

Birds and Biodiversity in Beijing

Episode 21: Birds and Biodiversity in Beijing

For this episode we explore the birds and biodiversity of the nation’s capital with Beijing-based conservationist, Terry Townshend. Mei and Terry talk about the remarkable Beijing swift, China’s birding boom and a rising awareness of...
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Yunnan golden monkey Alex Edmunds of WildChina
May 3, 2021

A Reunion of Old Friends: In Conversation with Yunnan Golden Monkey Experts [in Mandarin] (Event #41)

Join us for this reunion of old travel companions WildChina founder Mei Zhang, veteran conservationist Dr. Craig Kirkpatrick, professor of zoology Yongcheng Long and wildlife photographer Zhinong Xi. These old friends have all dedicated their...
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countryside architecture
April 8, 2021

Modern Architecture in the Countryside: In Discussion with Hua Li 华黎 [in Mandarin] (Event #16)

We had the pleasure of talking to world-renowned architect Hua Li, founder of Trace Architecture Office (TAO), an organization internationally recognized for its modern and sustainable design. Join us to hear about some of his...
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Kyle-Obermann hiking
March 4, 2021

Explore to Conserve with Environmental Photographer Kyle Obermann [in Mandarin] (Event #46)

Get to know the people behind conservation efforts in China with environmental photographer and founder of the Explore to Conserve movement Kyle Oberman, as he teaches us about China's expanding national parks system and its...
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Snub Nosed Monkey National Geographic
March 4, 2021

Conserving and Appreciating Nature with Wildlife Photographer Xi Zhinong 奚志农 [in Mandarin] (Event #39)

Catch a glimpse behind the scenes of wildlife photography during our chat with Xi Zhinong, considered to be the first photographer in the world to photograph the Yunnan golden monkey.
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November 15, 2020

Conservation and Sustainability in China: In Conversation With Kyle Obermann (Event #49)

Join us in exploring China's national parks while we talk conservation and sustainability with environmental photographer, and WildChina Explorer Award winner, Kyle Obermann.
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Chinese entrepreneurs lead the way in environmental philanthropy

Not content to be leaders only in the business world, 16 Chinese entrepreneurs are also leaping to the vanguard of China’s environmental movement with plans to together create a generously-funded new private conservation fund. The...
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Beautiful night in an old town in Yunnan

Study highlights importance of old-growth forests to giant pandas

Study highlights importance of old-growth forests to giant pandas In cities across China dilapidated old buildings are being leveled to make way for modern new residences. For many Chinese people, this has been part of...
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