
travel to Yunnan

The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

WildChina founder and Dali-native Mei Zhang’s Insider Tips to Dali

Dali is the perfect backdrop for a truly authentic Chinese travel experience. From stunning mountains to decadent gastronomic delights, the city of Dali and its surrounding areas provide visitors with a one-of-a-kind immersion into a China...
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Breaking the Winter Cycle: Tropical Xishuangbanna

Nestled in the southernmost tip of Yunnan province, just between neighboring Myanmar and Laos, this region hosts a vibrant intermingling of cultures and landscapes. With average daily highs of 26 degrees Celsius in January, the...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

WildChina Teams Up with Premium Clothing Company Khunu

Finding unique clothing that satisfies the needs of WildChina guides in China’s coldest areas, while allowing them to look the part when in remote boutique hotels, is not an easy task. When leading off-the-beaten-path tours...
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A camel resting in the Gobi Desert

If this is your first and only time to China, where should you go?

A twitter post responding to a WildChina tweet prompted this blog piece: @Chinaandbeyond said: “I would trade Yunnan for Gansu or Sichuan, personally RT @WildChina: First and only time to China?” Gobi Desert in Gansu,...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

The Ancient Tea Trees of Southern Yunnan

Deep in the heart of Southern Yunnan there exist tea trees unlike any other on Earth. The jungles of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture and the districts of Simao and Lincang are home to the oldest...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Travel Tip: This Summer, Escape China’s “Three Furnaces”

Many parts of China can get quite hot in the summertime. But, did you know that there are three cities that are notorious for their heat? Meet China’s “Three Furnaces” (三大火炉): Wuhan (capital of Hubei...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Yubeng Primary School: Update from Sunshine

In late March, WildChina founder Mei Zhang bloggedabout colleague Sunshine’s trip to and future work with an elementary school in Yubeng, a Tibetan village in Yunnan province. Recently, Sunshine gave us an update on the...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

Beyond Lijiang

  While the tiled roofs of Lijiang make for picture-perfect views, the scene on the streets of this UNESCO World Heritage Site is often less than tranquil. According to a report from UNESCO, from 1997...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

What We’re Reading: NY Times Goes to Yunnan

New York Times reporter Edward Wong unknowingly traced WildChina’s first-ever trip in the piece he recently wrote for the Sunday Travel section. Edward travels throughout Yunnan, from the valley of the Mekong River, (called the...
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