

The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Food for your picky eaters in China

I don’t think anybody else can have a pickier eater than my son. I know, a lot of other mothers feel the same way about their own children. Well, traveling to China with picky eaters...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

Finding a Good Restaurant in China

Out of all the questions I’m asked about living in China, the most common is definitely “So, how’s the food?” In a word, delicious. From dumplings and noodles to spicy Sichuan and Hunan fare, there’s...
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Chinese Culinary History & Culture with Fuchsia Dunlop

Did you know there are 8 forms of Chinese cuisine?

You might think its all noodles and rice, but Chinese cuisine is compromised of hundreds of different ingredients and spices, proving to be one of the most complex and delicious forms of cooking!
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Keeping Kosher while Traveling in China

Keeping kosher can always be a bit tricky, especially while traveling. But like in every developing country, awareness towards other religions and cultures is increasing (slowly, but surely). We hope you find these Kosher tid-bits...
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