

Ethnic Minorities of China

Taiwan – Asia’s Best Kept Foodie Secret?

Tom Stapleton, WildChina’s representative in the UK and Europe, reflects upon the delectable delicacies he enjoyed during a recent trip to Taiwan. Ask people what they associate with Taiwan and you’ll get blank faces, or...
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Candles in a Buddhist temple

A bakery that has Hong Kong written all over it…

What do you get when you cross a Japanese, a Hong Konger, and a Swede who all love bread? Po’s Atelier. Located in the ever cosmopolitan city of Hong Kong, Po’s Atelier is, according to...
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Man enjoying his tea

The Opus of Hot Pot

Bubbling ferociously, steam rising from its top, Inner Mongolia’s hot pot is one of a kind. How many meals can claim to offer both the complex taste of a delicious soup with the simple fun...
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Rice Terraces in the south of China

The best bites in Beijing and Shanghai

Crackling, succulent duck, wrapped in a transparent pancake with julienned cucumbers and drizzled with a dark plum sauce. Ah, the joy of Beijing’s Peking duck. Shanghai’s masterpiece? Soup dumplings. Warm, delicate dough, twisted into the...
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Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

Guizhou’s Defining Dish

Most people have heard of Beijing’s Peking Duck, and Shanghai’s soup dumplings, but what takes the cake in China’s mountainous southwestern province of Guizhou? We sat down with WildChina Manager, and Guizhou native, Sherril Sui, to get an...
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Girl praying at an ancient temple

A 500 RMB Food Adventure in Shanghai

Beijing’s rival, Shanghai, is known for three things: the breathtaking Bund, mouthwatering street food, and…more food. WildChina provides some recommendations for fantastic eateries to check out while in the “Paris of the Orient” to dine...
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Chinese door in Hutong alley

My Perfect Day in Shangri-La

Imagine waking up each morning to the comforting smell of sweet Caravan Breakfast coffee, enjoying a buttery scone with a spoonful of flavorful honeysuckle honey while admiring the mystical valleys of Shangri-la, and ending your...
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The mystic Yellow Mountain in Anhui

Cooking up a storm at Black Sesame Kitchen

Black Sesame Kitchen was founded in 2008 by internationally renowned Chef and food writer, Jen Lin-Liu, author of best-selling cook-book “Serve the People – A Stir-fried Journey through China.” Located in one of Beijing’s most...
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Man looking after cattle on the Tibetan plateau

Gastronomic Tour of China with Fuchsia Dunlop

WildChina is pleased to announce that Fuchsia Dunlop will be leading Gastronomic Tour of China from October 13-24, 2012. This 12-day journey will visit the imperial capitals of Beijing and Xian – home to the...
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Buddhist sculpture and art

Storybook China comes alive in Pǔjí Zhèn

When I was nine years old, I read Pearl S. Buck’s book, The Good Earth. From that point to the day I arrived in China, I dreamed of a China gridded with fields and earthen...
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